
a million words flutter about my head like confused butterflies in a summery haze


this piece is by my good friend hayley. enjoy...

today i sat and watched a willow dance
each elegant vine hung, suspended in the wind as if to reach out and pull me up into the sky. . .

i thought of you

you are like that gentle wind that plays among the vines, tossing and turning each one, giving them life

your zephyr passed over me once
over me and through me
you tousled my hair, swept me off my feet, and for a moment, made me dance
for a moment lifted me to a place above all my worries, above all the pain

i can still feel your touch
it sends chills through my body


but I am not your destination
you softly brushed past my check and slipped through my fingers
and now all I wish is to be whisked away again on your billowing breeze
find comfort in your whimsical essence. . .

but you’re gone
and i’m sitting here alone
watching a willow dance


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