
a million words flutter about my head like confused butterflies in a summery haze


this emptiness is a raw biting apathy;
a hole in my heart where you burned yourself out
tossing me playfully back and forth
between hopeful hallucinations and
a hard-pressed reality.

i hope you can tell me where to find myself...
(or should i follow the fresh stains of heartache you left
creating a trail on the ground where you still drag my heart behind you)

the frosted blue light in your eyes emerges
drawing your lips into an almost peaceful sincerity
forcing me to cast my soulfully pained gaze elsewhere
because it would hurt too much
to be drawn in again,
and if I could, i would never let you see this un-concealable longing
shining through the green glass that hides my soul.
(the warmth that emanates from you
in hues of copper
is a temptation that i fear more than the pain
of your apathetic departure from my heart)


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