
a million words flutter about my head like confused butterflies in a summery haze


sweet spring rain
invites memories to trickle softly down my back
spurring that sudden, soft, desire
i learned all too well before
to bloom and flourish where it took root
and never uprooted from
and i am left dazed
standing in the rain wishing i had nothing by my side
and you knew
but you would never know.

between the beautiful friction of soft skin
and moonlight dripping down your cheek,
i discovered my pieces were scattered
and my heart was still left in the rain
soaked just like it had been


maybe its the stillness breathing softly
down the back of my neck
whispering something trite
into my ear
that makes me cringe,
struggling to climb out of my skin.
its just dull,
flaking off into a mound of insensitvity,
and supposedly flawless,
full of secrets that i can't even keep from myself anymore.
but maybe this stillness
can hold me in
at least until i leave
to keep me from vomiting up my conscience
to every last person
sleeping in the dark corners
on my street
and holding me dearly in this soft monochromatic light.


these words stretch and crack beneath my fingertips
leaving discomfort to leak out:...
through the-tiny()tears-they make in me.
.:tighten and snap.
the melody of your tongue
(that i know all too well)
is beginning to )resonate ))
with a vague unfamiliarity
that twists my stomach into knots.
_careful with your words;
they string my heart in threads down your neck
that tighten when you are out of tune
and break if tuned too far in the wrong