
a million words flutter about my head like confused butterflies in a summery haze


the snuffbox of an inkling dawn has dissipated
(gone astray)
in the wee hours of this sublime human interaction.
communicating with our lips and our tongues-
words disgorge forth with lachrymose contentment
and we react in a manner
similar to those we aim to please.
the dark felt like foam
filling the empty space between the walls and my back
to cushion the loss that otherwise might have consumed
my company.
between my thoughts and my words
are antithetic moral fireflies
whose captivity suffice to indulge the simplicity in my plight.
we contract and expand.


blonde strands leave a brunette's head
somber like voices diffusing in air.
(we would spin around in circles a couple of times
before the vertigo would throw us to the ground)
you're still smiling
that grim, eerie smile
and i still sigh with the same thickness and weight.
time deepens the evening
and the couch is lonely with my presence.
the walls are filled to spilling with silence
and i don't know where to find myself
(to speak of contentment is wordy)
retrospect has stretched, lengthening a sleepy conversation
drunk and in the doorway of my bedroom
before exhaustion pulls the sheets up over my head.